Hi guys,
I've a nasty problem where ES 1.7.3 index gets closed at night. I'm trying to understand why and what, but my limited experience with ES is slowing me down.
I've a single server shared by the web stack (Nginx+php) and ES. I'm working on a Magento installation with smile-magento-elasticsearch already installed and configured.
This is my index situation:
ES port is firewalled against external traffic.
I didn't enable audit yet, so I don't have a REST calls log yet.
I've a script with two Magento procedures running at night. These usually write to MySQL, but are not writing to ES due to the smile-magento-elasticsearch module:
REINDEX_NIGHTLY START --> Fri Dec 15 04:00:01 CET 2017
shell/indexer.php -- -reindex catalogsearch_fulltext
Catalog Search Index index was rebuilt successfully in 01:15:32
shell/indexer.php -- -reindex catalog_product_attribute
Product Attributes index was rebuilt successfully in 00:07:39
REINDEX_NIGHTLY END --> Fri Dec 15 05:23:14 CET 2017
In my /var/log/elasticsearch/project.log
I see:
[2017-12-15 05:35:00,525][DEBUG][action.admin.indices.settings.put] [Bella Donna] failed to update settings on indices [myproject-20171215-030002]
org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException: Can't update [index.number_of_replicas] on closed indices [[myproject-20171215-030002]] - can leave index in an unopenable state
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetaDataUpdateSettingsService$2.execute(MetaDataUpdateSettingsService.java:237)
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.InternalClusterService$UpdateTask.run(InternalClusterService.java:374)
at org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor$TieBreakingPrioritizedRunnable.runAndClean(PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor.java:204)
at org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor$TieBreakingPrioritizedRunnable.run(PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor.java:167)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
I'm checking both Magento's and Linux cron but I don't see anything running at 2017-12-15 05:35:00
I'm at a loss here, any help is appreciated, thanks.