I'm working on a tinder-like app. We use a firebase database and index user profiles in our firebase db with elasticsearch. This works fine but I struggle on how to exclude already swiped profiles from query.
So scenario is this: User queries for profiles and swipes the profiles left or right. Already swiped profiles should be excluded from next query.
Since I can't store arrays in firebase I store already swiped users as a "so called index" like this
"uniqueUserID1-swipedata : {
"alreadySwipedUsers" : {
"uniqueUserID2" : true,
"uniqueUserID3" : true,
"uniqueUserID4" : true,
"uniqueUserID2-swipedata" : {
"excludeFromQuery" : {
"uniqueUserID1" : true
What would be the best approach to get this data into elasticsearch so if I query userProfiles I can exclude already swiped users.
Basically I was thinking about two approaches, but are completely open to suggestions:
Approach A:
Have two index, one for userProfiles and one for userSwipeData. Use terms lookup in my user profiles query in a must_not filter to exclude already swiped profiles.
"must_not": [
"terms" : {
"_id" : {
"index" : "userSwipeData",
"type" : "userSwipeData",
"id" : "current-user-id-of-querying-user",
"path" : "excludeFromQuery"
Problem with this is: My excludeFromQuery field would need to be an array as far as I understand. But I don't have an array but this so-called-index structure from above. So here I'm stuck… I'm not sure how to index my firebase data in a way to use it with a terms lookup. If anyone has an idea on how to make this work, this would be much appreciated.
Approach B:
I don't use a seperate index for already swiped users but store my firebase data structure from above as an inner object in my user documents. Then I could use an exists query to check if a certain user id already exists as a field in the inner object.
Problem: I don't think this would scale well, since the inner document theoretically could contain hundreds or even thousand of unique fields.
Approach C:
Give up on the idea of synching data between firebase and elasticsearch. I could store already wiped users purely on elasticsearch like in appaoch A. So if a user swipes another user, I could to a partial update to userSwipeData index and append the swiped user to the array of already swiped users. I guess this could work, but I don't like the idea of giving up on synching data between firebase and elasticsearch.
Any advice on how to tackle this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,