Index not rolloving over based on any param


I am on es 7.9.0. I have created a policy to rollover

But its been 29 minutes and the index is still in hot phase. The data has grown to 2.5 GB and docs count is also way above the mentioned limit.

This the output of my ILM explain API

        "indices": {
            ".ds-rules-abc-000002": {
                "index": ".ds-rules-abc-000002",
                "managed": true,
                "policy": "test_policy",
                "lifecycle_date_millis": 1599135765744,
                "age": "29.49m",
                "phase": "hot",
                "phase_time_millis": 1599130462373,
                "action": "rollover",
                "action_time_millis": 1599134977960,
                "step": "set-indexing-complete",
                "step_time_millis": 1599136982751,
                "phase_execution": {
                    "policy": "test_policy",
                    "phase_definition": {
                        "min_age": "0ms",
                        "actions": {
                            "rollover": {
                                "max_size": "1mb",
                                "max_age": "10m",
                                "max_docs": 5
                            "set_priority": {
                                "priority": 100
                    "version": 2,
                    "modified_date_in_millis": 1599042853466

Please suggest

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