Index size questions


I am getting up to speed with the ELK stack in general and am curious about what I should expect for index sizing. I have a 3 node ES cluster and plan to use: 3 shards and 2 replicas for each index.

My first test is to ingest IIS data ( which if you are a regular to discuss.elastic you may have already read in other sections :wink: ) into ES. Using Filebeat -> Logstash -> ES, I am looking to ingest about the last 2 months worth of logs from our IIS log directory (using ignore_older) that contains daily files dating back to Jan 2016. Each IIS log is about 250MB so, I guess my math is:

Initial ingestion:

250MB x 60 days = 15,000MB = 15G

With 3 shards, 2 replicas = ~45GB per node

  1. Is this a reasonable assumption or is there other 'overhead' that will cause for more disk consumption?
  2. Is creating a single index the same as creating multiple indices (say daily with an added date to index name) disk space wise?

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.



The size the data will take up on disk will depend on your mappings and how you enrich your data, as described in this blog post.

Christian - Thank you very much, I will read your post..

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