I am trying to get a more refined template for my indexes in place based on my data so numbers are numbers/text is text/etc/etc.
I am using logstash to put everything into elasticsearch so it is going into logstash-applicationlogs--YMD, I have logstash managing the index for logstash-* which gets me some basic points like geoip/etc.
But when i try and add another template with a higher order (1,10,100/etc) it doesn't seem to have any affect, in essence the fields i specify in my template to be numbers, are still strings. I have tried being less specific on the index (logstash-* vs logstash-applicationlogs-testapp-*). Each time I completely destroy the current dates index so new data can be indexed using the template and nothing changes.
Here is my template:
"template" : "logstash-applicationlogs-testapp-*",
"order": 10,
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"refresh_interval" : "5s"
"mappings": {
"log": {
"_source": { "enabled": true },
"properties": {
"request": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"agent": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"auth": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"bytes": { "type": "integer", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"clientip": { "type": "ip", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"host": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"httpversion": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"ident": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"logstash_host": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"message": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"referrer": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"response": { "type": "integer", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"source": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"verb": { "type": "text", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"timestamp": { "type": "date", "format": "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" }
here is an example entry I am putting in (apache logs)
"_index": "logstash-applicationlogs-testapp-2016.11.14",
"_type": "log",
"_id": "AVhk_TBhw7701Hi_Z8lv",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"request": "/testAny.pl?uri=/status&srch=Success&restart=1&send=0",
"agent": "\"-\"",
"geoip": {},
"offset": 3695652,
"auth": "-",
"logstash_host": "ftxlog01",
"ident": "-",
"input_type": "log",
"verb": "GET",
"source": "/opt/Logs/FLT-access.txt",
"message": " - - [14/Nov/2016:14:37:31 -0800] \"GET /testAny.pl?uri=/status&srch=Success&restart=1&send=0\" 200 103 \"-\" \"-\"",
"type": "log",
"tags": [
"referrer": "\"-\"",
"@timestamp": "2016-11-14T22:37:38.003Z",
"response": "200",
"bytes": "103",
"clientip": "",
"@version": "1",
"beat": {
"hostname": "ftxvmapp09",
"name": "ftxvmapp09",
"version": "5.0.0"
"host": "ftxvmapp09",
"timestamp": "14/Nov/2016:14:37:31 -0800"
"fields": {
"@timestamp": [
"sort": [
I am trying to make it so things like bytes and response code are numbers so i can perform math on them, but they never seem to swap which to me says the template I built isn't getting applied as I did something wrong or am just missing something entirely.
Edit: Just realized I didn't say what version, running 5.0.0