Indexation problem

i am facing a big problem
in fact
i am filtring logs and index them in elasticsearch (for each log they have the same index 7 index)
and then i visualize them in angular

the problem when i add another log after parsing it with my config files and put it in the same index

when i want to visualize it show me both logs
and i don"t know which are the information that refers to the first log
and which for the second
someone help me?
i think it is a mapping problem

i use this service on angular

showDetailsconversionext(){'itk_conversion', 'doc')
.then(response => {
this.conversionext = response.hits.hits;
this.clickedconv = true;
}, error => {
}).then(() => {
console.log('Show Customer Completed!');

someone help me?

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