I am planning to index 150 Gb of jsob objects (200 million rows of
index+json object) using elastic search.
The box i have is 250 Gb with 8 Gb of ram
i am planning to use the bulk entry point
also planning to increase RAm by doing
set JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx2g -Xms2g
then split the files using unix split into chunks and do the following
use strict;
use warnings;
my @files = glob("input/*");
foreach my $f (@files) {
my $cmd = "curl -s -XPOST 'http://brigho.com:9200/_bulk' --data-binary
print $cmd; #print $cmd."\n";
has anyone tried doing this? will this work? are the system configs
enough? any pointers would be helpful
first: es is a distributed search engine, so maybe its a good idea to setup
more than one node/machine if performance is not sufficient
then: 8gb ram is not bad but make sure youre on a 64bit operation system
and 64bit java so that the full meory can be addressed by the operation
To use your 8 GB memory do (leave 2 gig to the operation system)
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xmx6g -Xms6g
To get your data into ea you maybe want consider the UDP Bulk endpoint (
or use your perl scripts (iam not into perl, so i cannot say anything about
it). For perl there is also a ea client available:
Am Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013 01:31:30 UTC+2 schrieb gautam singhania:
I am planning to index 150 Gb of jsob objects (200 million rows of
index+json object) using Elasticsearch.
The box i have is 250 Gb with 8 Gb of ram
i am planning to use the bulk entry point
also planning to increase RAm by doing
set JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx2g -Xms2g
then split the files using unix split into chunks and do the following
use strict;
use warnings;
my @files = glob("input/*");
foreach my $f (@files) {
my $cmd = "curl -s -XPOST 'http://brigho.com:9200/_bulk' --data-binary
print $cmd; #print $cmd."\n";
has anyone tried doing this? will this work? are the system configs
enough? any pointers would be helpful
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