Indexing a document


I am new to Elasticsearch.

We are planning to a database that has the following columns.


The database would have billions of entries. An user belonging to a particular group may have multiple parent group. A parent group decides which specific group a user could be part of. For example A user needs to be part of either Student or Employee group to be part CanteenAccount group.

Is there any way we can do the following?

  • Index the document using different fields
    For example, To query all groups a user belongs to, To query all group hierarchy of an user, To retrieve
    all users joining after a date

    Could we rearrange the documents to satisfy my queries such as arrange in the order of USER-NAME
    so that "To query all groups a user belongs to" could be retrieved quickly. Similarly arrange in the order
    of GROUP and PARENT-GROUP to satisfy "To query all group hierarchy of an user" quickly.


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