Hello, I'm trying to figure out a way to index a special type of annotations that I developed so I then I can look by them later at query time, for example I may have a couple of documents with text
"this is a cool {@this.Example}"
"I think this is super cool"
I want to search for "I want something cool {@this.Example}" and match only the first document, however right now I'm matching both since there's an overlap of terms, I was trying to subquery my way around this, but seems like my annotations get indexed in a different way that I cannot match
'query': {
"match": {
"query":"I want something cool",
I'm using the following Analyzer
but without much results
"annotated_analyzer": {
"type": "custom",
"filter": [
"tokenizer": "whitespace"
oddly enough when creating the mapping for a field the search_analyzer
is ignored, I'm not even sure if this analyzer is being used at search time
Any ideas on how I can achieve this behavior? I'm sure I must use an analyzer for this task to make sure elastic indexes the annotation as is