I am stuck on indexing array of strings.
i have a field "tags" with array of strings as you can see on the following picture:
But after indexing it, i can't filter for specific values within the array.
For example if i want to create a simple pie chart to see the proportion of each tag accross the field i can't, it considers each array of string as a single value.
here is what i get :
i tried multiple way to index this field but i can't figure how to do it properly. In order to be able to filter for only one value of my array and not all the array.
I hope i'm clear.
I'm using Python API to index my doc.
Here is my mapping
"mappings": { "properties": { "societe": { "type": "keyword" , "null_value" : "NA"}, "adresse": { "type": "keyword" , "null_value" : "NA"}, "email": { "type": "keyword" , "null_value" : "NA"}, "tel": { "type": "keyword" , "null_value" : "NA"}, "site": { "type": "keyword" , "null_value" : "NA"}, "tags": { "type": "text" }, "description": { "type": "text" }, "typesociete": { "type": "keyword" , "null_value" : "NA"}, "geoloc": { "type": "geo_point" }, "CP": { "type": "keyword" , "null_value" : "NA"}, "num_dep": { "type": "integer" }, "Occitanie": { "type": "boolean" } } }