Indexing Binary vs text

I have couple of simple questions that I would like to clear up:

#1: For transportClient & cluster of two hosts: Do I have to add both hosts
to the client, or is it enough to add just one of them and the yml(s) will
take care of the clustering?

.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(host[0], port))

.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(host[1], port));

#2: Assume I have the following document structure:

"title":"my title"
"content":"Content of doc goes here"

//This is for my Binary attachment for Binaries (PDF)

putMappingResponse = new PutMappingRequestBuilder(
client.admin().indices() ).setIndices(INDEX_NAME).setType(INDEX_TYPE).








"type", "attachment" )










"term_vector", "with_positions_offsets" )








void indexDocument(JSONObject jdoc){


void indexBinaryDocument(JSONObject jdoc){

XContentBuilder source = jsonBuilder().startObject()

                                     .field("file", jDoc.getString(

CONTENT)) //from tika Binary 64





My Question:

Based on the document, I either call indexDocument for normal text docs or
indexBinaryDocument. However, this is confusing, I want to be able to call
one index function like "indexDocument" above without having to specify
source again for binary, In other words, if the document is binary, why do
I have to tell it about the "file" field again, couldn't I just replace the
"content" field with the 64 base encoded text, everything else in the
document is the same, only the content field is different? Somehow I feel
both of should one of the same?

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