Indexing hierarchical structures


I'm searching on data that consists from City, Street and Address.
If I make plain structure and store all in one index

long CityId;
string City; // London
long StreetId;
string Street; // Baker street 221b
long AddressId;
string Address; // 221b
string SearchString; // London, Baker street, 221b

But I also need to update index.
The problem is to update City if there is a mistake (for instance). I
need to update 1 million records.

Is it possible to make search friendly structure, that must not
require to update all records, but to update only reference to City

Now I search using in combination with prefix search on some
particular fields

var query = @"""fuzzy_like_this"": {
""fields"" : [""city"",
""street"", ""address"", ""building"", ""searchString""],
""like_text"":""" + searchQuery +
""min_term_freq"" : 0,
""prefix_length"" : 0,
""min_similarity"" : 0.85,
""ignore_tf"" : true



Is it possible to make search friendly structure, that must not
require to update all records, but to update only reference to City

No, there isn't although there is this server side feature:


Thanks a lot for link, it's very usefull!

Is there any best practice to organize hierarchical indexces?
For instance is there any point to make nested document City with
fields CityName and CityId?


On 8 фев, 20:06, Karussell wrote:

Is it possible to make search friendly structure, that must not
require to update all records, but to update only reference to City

No, there isn't although there is this server side feature:

GitHub - medcl/elasticsearch-partialupdate: an elasticsearch plugin that allows to update a specify fileds of a document,avoid full reindex and reduce traffic costs


Hi Yuriy. I'm a bit confused regarding your requirements. However, a
parent-child relationship might help you here.