I'm searching on data that consists from City, Street and Address.
If I make plain structure and store all in one index
long CityId;
string City; // London
long StreetId;
string Street; // Baker street 221b
long AddressId;
string Address; // 221b
string SearchString; // London, Baker street, 221b
But I also need to update index.
The problem is to update City if there is a mistake (for instance). I
need to update 1 million records.
Is it possible to make search friendly structure, that must not
require to update all records, but to update only reference to City
Now I search using in combination with prefix search on some
particular fields
var query = @"""fuzzy_like_this"": {
""fields"" : [""city"",
""street"", ""address"", ""building"", ""searchString""],
""like_text"":""" + searchQuery +
""min_term_freq"" : 0,
""prefix_length"" : 0,
""min_similarity"" : 0.85,
""ignore_tf"" : true