Indexing Mysql Database with elasticsearch - Newbie

I recently started looking ElasticSearch to implement search in my
application. I have my database in Mysql which have approx. >2 mn
records. I know in sphinx we could create an index directly on any
mysql table column. I wanted to know if its possible in Elasticsearch,
if not directly how we could implement that?


There is an external projects which could help:


On 23 Dez., 08:00, Mohit wrote:

I recently started looking Elasticsearch to implement search in my
application. I have my database in Mysql which have approx. >2 mn
records. I know in sphinx we could create an index directly on any
mysql table column. I wanted to know if its possible in Elasticsearch,
if not directly how we could implement that?



Have you got it working?

If so, can you please let me know the procedure?


On Friday, December 23, 2011 1:00:54 AM UTC-6, Mohit wrote:

I recently started looking Elasticsearch to implement search in my
application. I have my database in Mysql which have approx. >2 mn
records. I know in sphinx we could create an index directly on any
mysql table column. I wanted to know if its possible in Elasticsearch,
if not directly how we could implement that?


Hi Mohit,

welcome to elasticsearch! You can try the JDBC river
here: GitHub - jprante/elasticsearch-jdbc: JDBC importer for Elasticsearch

Best regards,


On Friday, December 23, 2011 8:00:54 AM UTC+1, Mohit wrote:

I recently started looking Elasticsearch to implement search in my
application. I have my database in Mysql which have approx. >2 mn
records. I know in sphinx we could create an index directly on any
mysql table column. I wanted to know if its possible in Elasticsearch,
if not directly how we could implement that?


Hi Sowmya,

On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 1:57:29 AM UTC+2, Jörg Prante wrote:

welcome to elasticsearch! You can try the JDBC river here:
GitHub - jprante/elasticsearch-jdbc: JDBC importer for Elasticsearch


Thanks! I have seen the link and followed to index my mysql data in
I could index the data of the tables.
But, I couldn't index the data which is updated in the mysql database
tables ( either because of insertion or deletion of the rows on the tables)
into the elasticsearch.

I have followed the procedure described below to update the indexes. Can
you please let me know the correct procedure if I have understood the
concept by mistake.

Step 1: create table class_info(rno int, name varchar(100)); //table in
mysql database whose data has to be indexed.

Step 2 : create table my_jdbc_river(_index varchar(64), _type varchar(64),
_id varchar(64), source_timestamp timestamp not null default
current_timestamp, source_operation varchar(8), source_sql varchar(255),
target_timestamp timestamp, target_operation varchar(8) default 'n/a',
target_failed boolean, target_message varchar(255), primary key(_index,
_type, _id, source_timestamp, source_operation));

//create a river table in mysql database

Step 3: Create a trigger on class_info table to insert the rows into
my_jdbc_river on insert operation
delimiter $$

create trigger check_root after insert on class_info for each row begin
insert into my_jdbc_river values("index", "type", "id", null, 'create',
'select * from check_es', null, null, true, null); end$$

delimiter ;

I am not sure whether the parameters to insert statement are correct or

Step 4: Create a river on Elasticsearch
curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/my_jdbc_river/_meta' -d '{ "type" :
"jdbc", "jdbc" : { "driver" : "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "url" :
"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testes", "user" : "root", "password"
: "p00ph34d", "poll" : "300s","rivertable" : true, "interval" :
"305s" }, "index" : { "index" : "jdbc","type" : "jdbc", "bulk_size" :
100,"max_bulk_requests" : 30, "bulk_timeout" : "60s"} }'

And, when i am inserting the values into class_info they are not being
indexed in elasticsearch.

Please let me know the correct procedure I am missing anything or
misunderstood the concept.


On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Jörg Prante wrote:

Hi Sowmya,

On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 1:57:29 AM UTC+2, Jörg Prante wrote:

welcome to elasticsearch! You can try the JDBC river here:**jprante/elasticsearch-river-**jdbc