Indexing Sharepoint files(mounted to network driver) using fsCrawler

I changed the path to '\sharepoint VM IP\W$\fsSharepointFiles'
according to Pointing FSCrawler to a separate server for documents
But it keeps on saying the job doesnot exist, Enter 'Y/N' to create the job.

    C:\Program Files\fscrawler-es7-2.7-SNAPSHOT>.\bin\fscrawler index_sharepoint
    05:05:17,404 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.BootstrapChecks] Memory [Free/Total=Percent]: HEAP [10.4mb/247.5mb=4.23%], RAM [69.4mb/1023.6mb=6.78%], Swap [1.9gb/3.5gb=52.95%].
    05:05:17,982 WARN  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] job [index_sharepoint] does not exist
    05:05:17,982 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] Do you want to create it (Y/N)?
    05:05:20,700 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] Settings have been created in [C:\Users\Administrator\.fscrawler\index_sharepoint\_settings.yaml]. Please review and edit before relaunch        

Saved the settings file with the changes, and started the job agian

    C:\Program Files\fscrawler-es7-2.7-SNAPSHOT>.\bin\fscrawler index_sharepoint
    05:07:06,483 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.BootstrapChecks] Memory [Free/Total=Percent]: HEAP [10.4mb/247.5mb=4.23%], RAM [47mb/1023.6mb=4.59%], Swap [1.8gb/3.5gb=52.62%].
    05:07:07,170 WARN  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] job [index_sharepoint] does not exist
    05:07:07,170 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] Do you want to create it (Y/N)?

It keeps on asking the same question again and again. So I changed the path in settings.yaml file to the original "W:\fsSharepointFiles"

so back to my first question in this thread!!
