Indices not showing on Kibana and data type does not change

This is my logstash.conf file. I cannot see the index on kibana and data type does not convert. Any help?

input {
beats {
port => 5044

filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => '%{TIME:timex} %{WORD:Ix} %{NUMBER:nox:int} (?[^\s]) %{WORD:stdlog} %{WORD:type} %{NUMBER:numbery} %{NUMBER:noh} %{WORD:dbtype} %{WORD:loguserx} (?[^\s]) %{DATA:query_topic} {"(?<query_str>[^"])","(?[^"])","(?<execution_time_ms>[\d])","(?<total_time_ms>[\d])"}$' }

mutate {
convert => { "execution_time_ms" => "float" "total_time_ms" => "float" }


output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "elasticsearch:9200" ]
index => "ninjadb"

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