Influx DB Output use event fields problem

Hi All,

I'm using Logstash to manipulate the output of Telegraf before sending the information to InfluxDB. Here is an example event after filters (rubydebug output):

        "fields" => {
        "Percent_User_Time" => 2.3403491973876953
          "name" => "win_cpu",
          "tags" => {
              "host" => "OSTPMCWEB",
          "instance" => "0",
        "objectname" => "Processor"
     "timestamp" => 1507287310,
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => "2017-10-06T10:55:14.002Z",
          "host" => ""

Im trying to use the influxdb output plugin as below:

 influxdb {
                        data_points =>{}
                        use_event_fields_for_data_points => "true"
                        exclude_fields => ["@timestamp", "@version", "host"]
                        port => ####
                        host => ""
                        db => "TL_TEST"

Yet getting the error:

Unknown setting 'use_event_fields_for_data_points' for influxdb {:level=>:error}
Unknown setting 'exclude_fields' for influxdb {:level=>:error}

Anyone have any pointers?

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