Ingest attachment - missing attachment field in results

I have read everything I could find but I have not been able to get the ingest attachment plugin to work. I am using the mapping below:

  "settings": {
    "analysis": {
      "analyzer": {
        "lower_keyword_analyzer": {
          "type":      "custom",
          "tokenizer": "keyword",
          "char_filter": [
          "filter": [
            "- => ",
            ", => ",
            "( => ",
            ") => ",
            "' => ",
            "[ => ",
            "] => ",
            "\" => ",
            "$ => ",
            "& => ",
            ": => ",
            "; => ",
            ". => ",
            "* => ",
            "= => ",
            "+ => ",
            "^ => ",
            "% => ",
            "# => ",
            "@ => ",
            "! => ",
            "~ => ",
            "? => "
          "filter": ["lowercase"]
            "properties": {
                       "normalizer": "sortnormalizer"
                    "content": {"type":"text","store": true}

I have configured the pipeline using:

              "description" : "Extract attachment information",
              "processors" : [
                  "attachment" : {
                    "field" : "data",
                    "indexed_chars": -1,

I am using the bulk api. I am using NodeJS. After indexing (no errors returned) and I do a search (GET - /_search), the results include the base64 encoded data but there is no attachment field in the results. I must be missing something because no one else seems to be having this issue. Any ideas?

Could you share a typical document you are sending?

{"document_identifiers":["1582-09-8"],"collection_identifier":"1","document_file_name":"actadmission.pdf","document_type":"pdf","document_title":"TRIFLURALIN","document_categories":["Hazard Assessment/Summary Document(s)"],"document_tags":["1582-09-8"],"document_created_at":1223683200000,"document_updated_at":1467465970727,"data":"[BASE64 ENCODED PDF DATA]"}

ok, well, i feel a bit stupid but i figured out the issue. Like I said I am using the bulk api. However, I was submitting the documents as "update" instead instead of "index".

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