I searched previous opened topics related that question but none of them have any reply. I’m ingesting logs from apache kafka with logstash, everything is fine but I noticed that whenever I started logstash instance it doesn't starts to ingest latest logs. The logs’ timestamps belong 13-14 hours ago.
I was thinking that after I set auto_offset_reset => “latest” parameter should have solved my issue but I guess It didn’t work.
This is input part of my logstash config:
input {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => ["bootsrap1:39092,bootsrap2:39092,bootsrap3:39092,bootsrap4:39092,bootsrap5:39092"]
topics => "th-cef"
auto_offset_reset => "latest"
client_id => "test10"
type => "logs9"
group_id => "sectechlogstash"
consumer_threads => 19
Any tips or help would be appreciated