Ingesting syslog from NetApp ONTAP

I've configured our storage to send syslog to filebeat but when I examine what's been ingested in kibana - the whole syslog message is crammed in one "message" field while the rest of the 26 fields have values relating to the server on which filebeat is running.

Clearly, I am a newbie, how should I be looking to ingest these netapp syslogs: netapp -> filebeat -> elasticsearch like I've configured so far or is there a better/right way to do this?

So far on the storage side I've selected rfc-5424:

Type of Destination: syslog
Syslog Port: 9000
Syslog Transport: tcp-unencrypted
Syslog Message Format: rfc-5424

and this is the input config in filebeat:

- type: syslog
  enabled: true
  format: rfc5424
    host: ""

all elk components including filebeat are running on pnl0000vspr4306 []
this is an example doc I see ingested in Analytics/discover

  "@timestamp": [
  "agent.ephemeral_id": [
  "agent.hostname": [
  "": [
  "": [
  "agent.type": [
  "agent.version": [
  "ecs.version": [
  "host.architecture": [
  "host.containerized": [
  "host.hostname": [
  "": [
  "host.ip": [
  "host.mac": [
  "": [
  "": [
  "host.os.kernel": [
  "": [
    "Rocky Linux"
  "": [
    "Rocky Linux"
  "host.os.platform": [
  "host.os.type": [
  "host.os.version": [
    "8.7 (Green Obsidian)"
  "input.type": [
  "log.source.address": [
  "message": [
    "<14>Mar 21 14:05:09 pnl0003scpr1621: pnl0003scpr1621: 00000017.00066861 0082971a Tue Mar 21 2023 14:05:08 +00:00 [kern_audit:info:3039] 8003e80000035585:8003e80000035586 :: pnl0003scpr1620:ssh :: :: pnl0003scpr1620:our_ad_domain\my_admin_account :: Logging in :: Success "
  "_id": "hVp8BIcBsjyao5wS8PGs",
  "_index": ".ds-filebeat-8.6.2-2023.03.21-000001",
  "_score": null

Hi @diselkgd7 Welcome to the community and a great start!

I am not a syslog expert but that message does not really look like it is RFC-5424 but that ok (your message fails validation)

Now you just need to parse it a bit...

Create an ingest pipeline
Dev Tools

I started from a sstubb I had

PUT _ingest/pipeline/my-syslog-pipeline
  "description" : "syslog",
    "processors": [
        "set": {
          "field": "event.ingested",
          "value": "{{_ingest.timestamp}}"
        "grok": {
          "ignore_missing": true,
          "field": "message",
          "patterns": [
            """%{SYSLOG5424PRI}%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:system.syslog.timestamp} %{GREEDYDATA:system.syslog.message}"""
          "ecs_compatibility" : "v1"
        "remove": {
          "field": "message"
        "rename": {
          "target_field": "message",
          "ignore_missing": true,
          "field": "system.syslog.message"
        "date": {
          "on_failure": [
              "append": {
                "field": "error.message",
                "value": "{{ _ingest.on_failure_message }}"
          "if": "ctx.event.timezone == null",
          "field": "system.syslog.timestamp",
          "target_field": "@timestamp",
          "formats": [
            "MMM  d HH:mm:ss",
            "MMM dd HH:mm:ss",
            "MMM d HH:mm:ss",
        "date": {
          "field": "system.syslog.timestamp",
          "target_field": "@timestamp",
          "formats": [
            "MMM  d HH:mm:ss",
            "MMM dd HH:mm:ss",
            "MMM d HH:mm:ss",
          "timezone": "{{ event.timezone }}",
          "on_failure": [
              "append": {
                "field": "error.message",
                "value": "{{ _ingest.on_failure_message }}"
          "if": "ctx.event.timezone != null"
        "remove": {
          "field": "system"
        "set": {
          "field": "event.kind",
          "value": "event"
    "on_failure": [
        "set": {
          "field": "error.message",
          "value": "{{ _ingest.on_failure_message }}"

Now Set

- type: syslog
  enabled: true
  format: rfc5424
    host: ""
  pipeline: my-syslog-pipeline

And you should get something that look like

  "docs": [
      "doc": {
        "_index": "_index",
        "_id": "_id",
        "_version": "-3",
        "_source": {
          "@timestamp": "2023-03-21T14:05:09.000Z",
          "event": {
            "ingested": "2023-03-22T00:56:03.655083947Z",
            "kind": "event"
          "message": """pnl0003scpr1621: pnl0003scpr1621: 00000017.00066861 0082971a Tue Mar 21 2023 14:05:08 +00:00 [kern_audit:info:3039] 8003e80000035585:8003e80000035586 :: pnl0003scpr1620:ssh :: :: pnl0003scpr1620:our_ad_domain\my_admin_account :: Logging in :: Success """,
          "log": {
            "syslog": {
              "priority": 14
        "_ingest": {
          "timestamp": "2023-03-22T00:56:03.655083947Z"

You can read more about ingest, grok, ecs fields etc

There is a grok debugger in Kibana but lots of like this incremental one... but you probably want to be aware of ECS

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