Inquiry on Meta Engine

Hello Elastic,

This is my first time trying to create a meta engine.

I want to ask, how do we differentiate different source engines under the meta engine?

I have a use case where I would like to centralize our staff portal so that users are able to search in Confluence and other apps.

How do we differentiate which data is from Confluence and so on at the front end?

Or do we need to treat both source engines as one?

Ideally, if a user wants to search for content in Confluence under our staff portal, it will redirect to Confluence.

I need advice on how to segregate the data.


Hi there @aisyaharifin, I'm not really sure what your use case is or what you're looking for.

Meta engines are engines that consist of multiple, separate indices with similar/equivalent schema. You can read more about these in our meta engine guide. But essentially what this means is that:

  • You can have one engine for Confluence data
  • You can have another, different engine for, let's say, SharePoint data
  • You can combine them both into a single meta engine that searches both Confluence and SharePoint - and any other engines you add to that meta engine.
  • You can still search each individual engine as well as the meta engine

If you're concerned about limiting access on the staff portal we have documentation guides on DLS for connectors but I'm not sure that's what you're looking for? I think you just want to search the engines?

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