Insert into influx on match

i have data being collected by logstash and depending on the string match i will insert into one influx or another for example:

if [@influx_measurement] =~ /(ABC_.*)
then insert into influxA etc...

bit i need to add something more like:

if [@influx_measurement] =~ /(ABC_.) and TAG VALUES (name) FROM /(ABC.) == serverA
then insert into influxB etc...

Just basically depending that if a tag value from key "name" in measurement (ABC.*) matches "serverA" then insert into influx instanceB. help please?
Thanks again

Just basically depending that if a tag value from key "name" in measurement (ABC.*) matches "serverA" then insert into influx instanceB.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean. What does an example @influx_measurement value look like and how do you want it filtered?

hi Magnus
im new to this so let me try to clarify. right now i have, if the measurement name coming from logstash match ABC_* something etc...then insert data into instance A of influx, but what i need is something like if the measurement name matches ABC_* and the key "NAME" in measurement ABC_* has the value "serverB" then insert into instance B of influx. not sure if that helps describe what i need . The data looks like:

ABC_SERVERS - that's the measurement NAME
key = host
value = serverB

I still don't understand what your events look like so I can't make suggestions for how to filter them. Show your events, don't describe them.

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