Installing Kibana on Ubuntu server 14.04

I have Installed Elasticsearch and Kibana on Ubuntu Server, this is a VM(vmware)
When I go to http://localhost:9200 I receive the webpage.
When I go to http://localhost:5601 I get nothing or http://localhost I get the aphache webpage instead of Kibana..
how do I fix this? I cant get Kibana to work...

Thank you!

What does "I get nothing" mean, exactly? Is the Kibana process actually running? Is it listening on port 5601?

yes, It is running and port 5601 is open and listening.
I get:
This webpage is not available

yes, It is running and port 5601 is open and listening.

How do you know?

I get:
This webpage is not available

Well, either Kibana isn't actually running, or there's a firewall blocking the access, or it's listening to the wrong interface (e.g. it's listening on the loopback interfac and you're connecting to a non-loopback interface, or vice versa).