Installed Elastic, APM Server, and Kibana 7.8 version on Mac. Using all default configurations for APM Server. APM Server is listening on 8200 port. The curl http://localhost:8200 is returning successfully.
"build_date": "2020-06-14T17:07:44Z",
"build_sha": "06c58bf4e5b675d04314bf44961ffd6b0e13f544",
"version": "7.8.0"
However, APM Agent is unable to connect to APM Server and throwing the following error. Please help me in resolving this error.
2020-07-18 16:30:54,479 [elastic-apm-server-reporter] ERROR - Failed to handle event of type METRICS with this error: access denied ("" "" "connect,resolve")
2020-07-18 16:30:54,480 [elastic-apm-server-reporter] INFO - Backing off for 36 seconds (+/-10%)'
Startup Log:
WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.
2020-07-19 15:44:12,072 [main] INFO co.elastic.apm.agent.util.JmxUtils - Found JVM-specific OperatingSystemMXBean interface:
2020-07-19 15:44:12,920 [main] INFO co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.StartupInfo - Starting Elastic APM 1.17.0 as elastic on Java 13.0.1 (Oracle Corporation) Mac OS X 10.15.4
2020-07-19 15:44:12,954 [main] INFO co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.ElasticApmTracer - Tracer switched to RUNNING state
2020-07-19 15:44:13,105 [elastic-apm-server-healthcheck] INFO - Elastic APM server is available: { "build_date": "2020-06-14T17:07:44Z", "build_sha": "06c58bf4e5b675d04314bf44961ffd6b0e13f544", "version": "7.8.0"}
020-07-19 15:44:15,719 [main] WARN co.elastic.apm.agent.bci.bytebuddy.ErrorLoggingListener - Error on transformation
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Type not found: java.lang.Throwable
2020-07-19 15:44:18,587 [main] WARN co.elastic.apm.agent.bci.bytebuddy.ErrorLoggingListener - Error on transformation org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.EsThreadPoolExecutor
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Type not found: java.lang.Throwable
2020-07-19 15:44:23,678 [main] WARN co.elastic.apm.agent.bci.bytebuddy.ErrorLoggingListener - Error on transformation
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Type not found: java.lang.Throwable