Integrating mongodb with elasticSearch

Hi, I'm trying to integrate mongodb with elasticsearch and for some
reason I cant seem to get this working. I think there's something
messed up with the version number combination I'm using - mongodb-
linux 64 2.0.4 , elasticsearch 0.19.0 with the elasticsearch-river-
mongdb jar version being 1.1 and the mongo-java-driver version being
2.7.2. It seems to create the indices when I bring elasticsearch up
but I cant insert a record , following the example given by
richardwilly98, it just hangs and there's no response when i run on the mongotest db. Could someone please tell me
where I'm going wrong and if you've got this working could you please
tell me the version numbers that you're using? Thanks!

Please see the bad post of issue(which posted by me.)

You will do 2 things:

  1. open the oplog of mongodb.
  2. indexname is 'mongoindex', not the example's 'testmongo'.

Good Luck. :slight_smile:

2012/5/2 coys

Hi, I'm trying to integrate mongodb with elasticsearch and for some
reason I cant seem to get this working. I think there's something
messed up with the version number combination I'm using - mongodb-
linux 64 2.0.4 , elasticsearch 0.19.0 with the elasticsearch-river-
mongdb jar version being 1.1 and the mongo-java-driver version being
2.7.2. It seems to create the indices when I bring elasticsearch up
but I cant insert a record , following the example given by
richardwilly98, it just hangs and there's no response when i run on the mongotest db. Could someone please tell me
where I'm going wrong and if you've got this working could you please
tell me the version numbers that you're using? Thanks!

Thanks for the reply! Sorry, but I'm still stuck:( I'm now using
elasticsearch 0-19.2 and mongodb 2.0.4. Thanks for the querying on
mongoindex tip! When I query on the mongoindex using curl it tells me that
5 shards were successfully created but I have 0 hits for firstname John
even though I inserted John Doe into mongotest/person. I'm running mongo in
--replSet mode and I think it's most probably a wrong file version
somewhere. The elasticsearch.log contains the following error
org.elasticsearch.common.collect.ComputationException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
org/elasticsearch/client/action/bulk/BulkRequestBuilder and says that
even though it could load the mongodb river it failed to create river
mongodb. Also, my plugins/river-mongodb directory has the following 2 files
which I manually added mongo-java-driver-2.7.2.jar and
elastic-river-mongodb-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. Thanks!

Just an update, I got this working now, I was using an older version of
mongo. 2.0.4 works for me, thanks

Hi Coys,

Please help in integration of mongodb with elastic search.

Thanks & Regards,

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