Intermittent search querying issues


We are using elastic search in our backend hosted on AWS. And our backend is in Java. We have seen a pattern where queries start failing for a brief period of time with the following error:
cannot write time value xcontent for unknown value of type class java.util.Date

This auto resolves itself after some time. But keeps happening every once in a while. Could you help me figure out what the issue is?


Are you using AWS Elasticsearch service or self hosting on AWS? Which version are you using? Is there anything relevant in the Elasticsearch logs?

We are using AWS hosted Elastic Search java sdk version: 7.8.1.

The logs only have this xcontent error. Nothing relevant unfortunately. But the error seems to generally happen when we do a server deployment. So, could be some sort of an initialization issue?

If you are using AWS Elasticsearch it is hard to help as they are using a custom fork with custom plugins. I would recommend contacting AWS support.

Hi Christian,

I just checked with my team. We don't infact use AWS elastic search because they don't support 7.8.1 version and we didn't want to go back. Sorry for the confusion! I really need help solving this!

Then you should have access to the Elasticsearch logs. Is there anything relevant there around the times you have experienced these problems?

I haven't seen the exact logs printed around the time of the error. Will get the logs from elastic search for that time.

Are you using any third-party plugins? Do you have any non-standard configuration?

No, we are not. I can't find any relevant logs around the same time when the error occurs in Elastic Search.
I see an error n the ES logs but might be unrelated.

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