Invalid Index Error in Elastic Search - querying against multiple indexes

When I run the below code I'm running the following in error in Elasticsearch:

Invalid alias name [...] must not contain the following characters [ , \", *, \\, <, |, ,, >, /, ?]

It doesn't like that I'm using index1,index2 as my index (I've also tried index : [index1, index2]

This code works in Kibana when I run it against the same data source.

Elasticsearch dependency is "@elastic/elasticsearch": "7.6.1"

const { client } = context; // context from graphql resolver

  const query = buildQuery({
    id: id,
    queryIndex: `${index1},${index2}`;

  const results = await;

  export const buildQuery = ({ id. queryIndex }) => ({
      index: queryIndex,
      body: {
        query: {
          bool: {
            must: [
                terms: {
                  'someId': [id]
        aggs: {
          byindex: {
            terms: {
              field: '_index'
            aggs: {
              min_date: {
                min: {
                  field: 'date',
                  format: 'yyyy-MM-dd'
              max_date: {
                max: {
                  field: 'date',
                  format: 'yyyy-MM-dd'

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