Invalid_index_name_exception with variable name

I'm getting these warnings with the 6.3.0 stack:
[2018-06-26T12:45:22,619][WARN ][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Could not index event to Elasticsearch. {:status=>400, :action=>["index", {:_id=>nil, :_index=>"logstash-%{Environment}-2018.06.26", :_type=>"doc", :_routing=>nil}, #LogStash::Event:0x54432d92], :response=>{"index"=>{"_index"=>"logstash-%{Environment}-2018.06.26", "_type"=>"doc", "_id"=>nil, "status"=>400, "error"=>{"type"=>"invalid_index_name_exception", "reason"=>"Invalid index name [logstash-%{Environment}-2018.06.26], must be lowercase", "index_uuid"=>"na", "index"=>"logstash-%{Environment}-2018.06.26"}}}}

in the input fields i have:
add_field => { "Environment" => "production" }

and the output is:
index => "logstash-%{Environment}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

The error goes away when i change the "variable name" to environment instead of Environment.
I understand that the index name cannot be uppercase, but should the variablename also be affected by this?

The event didn't actually contain an Environment field.


That's very strange. Since i only use logstash to pull data from AWS Cloudwatch logs and populate it with the add_field => { "environment" => "production" }. Why would it matter if i change the E from capital to lowercase.
If i change the environment to Environment i get the error. And it stops when i switch it back to environment.

That's very strange. Since i only use logstash to pull data from AWS Cloudwatch logs and populate it with the add_field => { "environment" => "production" }. Why would it matter if i change the E from capital to lowercase.

Does your configuration contain

add_field => { "environment" => "production" }


add_field => { "Environment" => "production" }


Field names are case-sensitive so make sure you spell the field name identically everywhere.


Ok i don't know if i were unclear. But i've been running this config on 5.6.x without issues.
The configuration was then:

add_field => { "Environment" => "production" }

This gave me errors on 6.3.0 (as mentioned in the first post)

I just simply renamed Environment to environment in all my cloudwatch_logs statements and in the output statement, and everything now works without warnings

Figured out what what caused all this.
I've been using the elapsed plugin, and it turns out that if there is a timeout it will create a new event that didn't have the %{Environment} variable set, thus trying to create a new index. when i changed the Environment variable to lowercase it created the index with the name logstash-%{environment}-2018.06.28

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