Is hsperfdata file critical?


I am confused, how can df show /tmp but is not in individual partition? Are you sure you did not add /tmp as a ramdisk? If so, 1 megabyte is really small. I just checked on an old Ubuntu LTS installation and that one looks fine.

If you check the /tmp contents, then a file size of 32kb should not really be a problem compared to the initramfs size of the other file, buts lets leave it as is.

The hsperfdata file is needed for tools like jstat to do some analysis and regurlarly updated by the JVM. A couple of workarounds:

  • Change the path via a system property and point it to another directory without space issues
  • Disable gathering those stats via a JVM option called -XX:-UsePerfData
  • There is another option mentioned in this lengthy but awesome blog post, how this feature turned out to be a performance issue, you should take the time to read it, it is really interesting
  • Have a bigger /tmp dir, as there might be a fair share of other applications trying to write into it and fail, which might lead to processes exiting, check your logfiles
