Is it possible to do nested sort with a conditional query on a sort element

we have following structure in an index - following is only a partial and doc relevant for this question.

"instance" : {
"id" : 1,
{"instFields": [
"sourceFieldId": 2684,
"fieldValue": "false",
"fieldBoolean": false
"sourceFieldId": 1736,
"fieldValue": "DODGE",
"fieldString": "DODGE"

"sourceFieldId": 1560,
"fieldValue": "GRAY",
"fieldString": "GRAY"
"sourceFieldId": 1558,
"fieldValue": "CHALLENGER",
"fieldString": "CHALLENGER"
"sourceFieldId": 1556,
"fieldValue": "2010",
"fieldDouble": 2010

first user query is give me all instances where sourceFieldId=1736 - this returns all the DODGE instances[] - all this is working fine with an appripriate Elastic Search query. now when user is seeing all DODGE records - user wants to sort by any of those sourceFieldIds for e.g. say user is wanting to sort results by - color - sourceFieldId=1560.

say we have following sort query

"sort": {
"instance.instFields.fieldString.raw": {
"order": "asc",
"nested_path": "instance.instFields",
with following part of the sort query - note sort query is properly prepared - only pasting parts here which are relevant for the question

"nested": {
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"instance.instFields.sourceFieldId": "1736"
"term": {
"instance.instFields.fieldString.raw": "dodge"
"path": "instance.instFields"
resulting docs must return entire instance with all the soureceFields - as on a user page it displays other values of DODGE as well.

now issue is- sort query still has to have knowledge to sort where - "sourceFieldId": 1560 (which is a sourceFieldId for color) to sort on color

is there a way to achieve such a sort query in ES without using dynamic scripting/dynamic templating? something like

"sort": {
"instance.instFields.fieldString.raw": (where sourceFieldId=1560?)

Apologies for crossposting but I have seen ES questions on SO get less attention than here.