Is it possible to do scanning & scrolling over multiple indexes

Seems scrolling and scanning is not supported over multiple there any way around this ?

Sample query

GET sales-rpts3*/ptt/_search?scroll=1m
  "size": 5



   "error": {
	  "root_cause": [
			"type": "array_index_out_of_bounds_exception",
			"reason": "98"
	  "type": "array_index_out_of_bounds_exception",
	  "reason": "98"
   "status": 500

Scan and scroll is supported over multiple indexes.

Are you seeing a stack trace on the console where Elasticsearch is running? Or any information in the logs? ($ES_HOME/logs/elasticsearch.log)

I found my mistake now...when I copied the scollId with my mouse (double clicked), It didn't copy the last '=' character :slight_smile:
