Is it possible to undo a selection on a vertical bar chart once I've done it?

I've created a vertical bar chart with data from June to November as follows:

Once I select a specific period of time in this chart it's going to change the interval of time on all my other charts and that's great. However, it bothers me that I've to manually reenter the old default interval of time if I want to see it again. Today I change it on the top of the page:


Is there any shortcut that allows me to go back to the previous defined interval of time easilly? Or reentering the interval of time on the top menu is the way of doing it?

Dear @rafael_muynarsk,
There's a detailed description of how to use the time filter at the top of the page in the Kibana documentation. Have you tried selecting your most recent date range from the "Recently used date ranges" option when you click on the calendar icon that shows a popover? I don't know what version of Kibana you are using but you can change the version number for the documentation from the drop down next to the 'Kibana Guide' item on the right hand side of the documentation.

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