Is it possible to update Elasticsearch using logstash conf file with field other than document id


   if[sid]!="null" and [sid]!=""
               hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
               document_id => "%{sid}"
               index =>  "dashboard_write"
                script => "if(ctx._source.appdata== null)
                           ctx._source.appdata = new ArrayList(); 
              doc_as_upsert => "true"

               action => "update"
			   ilm_enabled => false
               hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
               index =>  "dashboard_write"
			   ilm_enabled => false

Here Im updating Elasticsearch doc based on sid field. But this sid will be stored in a document as a fieild "authsid"

So I need a if condition like this

if [sid= authsid field in one of the document]
update that document
insert this as new document

I know this is complicated design, but I just wanted to know is this possible??

Can someone please update

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