Is Logstash 5.5 compatible with Java 1.7?


I am trying to install Logstash 5.5 on a Linux machine which has Java 1.7. I have gone through some documentation and it says Logstash 5.5 is compatible with Java 1.7. Some say it's not compatible. Can someone please provide me clear idea on this?

Thank you..

According to and you need Java 8.

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Thanks Magnus :slight_smile:

I will go with Logstash 2.x and Java 7. And Logstash 2.x would need to send data to Logstash 5.x through http plugin. Will there be any issues if I use two different Logstash versions on two different machines?

I will go with Logstash 2.x and Java 7.

Java 7 was deprecated and end-of-lined a long time ago. It's time to upgrade.

And Logstash 2.x would need to send data to Logstash 5.x through http plugin

You could do that, but I suggest you use the lumberjack plugins instead. They should give better performance and decreased risk of data loss.

Will there be any issues if I use two different Logstash versions on two different machines?

No, that should be fine.

Hi Magnus,

There are some other applications which run smooth with Java 1.7 and that's the reason I can't upgrade it to Java 1.8.
In future I will be using Kafka as a messaging queue thus removing HTTP plugin. So it will be an extra effort for me to install and configure Lumberjack. But very often I am getting the following error while using HTTP plugin,

ERROR logstash.outputs.http - [HTTP Output Failure] Could not fetch URL {:url=>"http://xxx.xx.xx:xxx"
name=memoryStats.numBytesAllocated origin=p-redis unit=count value=671040 \",\"type\":\"syslog\",\"tags\":[\"_grokparsefailure\"]}", :headers=>{"Content-Type"=>"application/json"}, :message=>"Read timed out", :class=>"Manticore::SocketTimeout", :backtrace=>nil, :will_retry=>true}
14:53:13.875 [pool-684-thread-1] INFO  logstash.outputs.http - Retrying http request, will sleep for 0 seconds

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