Is the Elastic APM Java Agent about to be replaced by the OTel agent?

If you are starting a new project, and the features in the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry Java agent (EDOT Java agent) provide what you need for your observability requirements, we recommend using that agent in preference to the Elastic APM Java Agent (classic Java agent).

Both agents are currently maintained. We have no immediate plans to deprecate the classic Java agent, it is used extensively by many customers. Once we've ported the majority of the features available from the classic Java agent into the EDOT Java agent (and the upstream OpenTelemetry Java agent where possible, where we've already contributed a number of our features), then the EDOT Java agent will be more fully featured and cover more instrumentations than classic Java agent, as the EDOT Java agent will have a superset of both the OpenTelemetry Java agent and the classic Java agent

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