Is there a limit for the msearch?

i tried getting results from and elastic_client.msearch and both returns different amount of results. and returns the most accurate result

Your question lacks a fair bit of context unfortunately.

What version of Elasticsearch? What sort of queries are you running? What are the results you are seeing? What are you expecting? Please provide code, logs, responses etc.

based on these two sets of queries

def queryNCRate(unit_type):                                                       

    wyList = []
    ncList = []
    ncHits = []
    rateList = []

    # create request
    request = []

    for wy, nc in product(wy_request, nc_request):
        head = { 'index' : ES_INDEX }
        body = {
            'query': {
                'bool': {
                    'must': [
                        { 'match_phrase' : { 'text' : nc} },
                        { 'match_phrase' : { 'workyear' : wy} },
                        { 'match_phrase' : { 'unit_type' : unit_type} }

        request.extend([head, body])
    # print(request)
    # search through defined index with the query for nc for particular workyear
    nc_result = elastic_client.msearch(body=request)
    # print(nc_result)

    # returns amount of defined ncs for particular workyear
    nc_hits = len(nc_result["responses"][18]["hits"]["hits"])

and this

st = []
    ncList = []
    ncHits = []
    rateList = []

    for wy, nc in product(wy_request, nc_request):
        query_nc = {
            "query" : {
                "bool" : { 
                    "must" : [
                            "match_phrase": { 
                                "text": nc
                            "match_phrase": {
                                "workyear": wy
                            "match_phrase": {
                                "unit_type": unit_type
        nc_result ="test-index", body=query_nc, size=999) # searching thru the defined index with the query for NC for particular workyear
        # print(nc_result["hits"]["hits"])
        nc_hits = len(nc_result["hits"]["hits"]) # returns the amount of defined NCs for the particular workyear

        if (wyrsafDict.get(wy) != 0 ):
            nc_rate = nc_hits /  wyrsafDict.get(wy) # deriving the NC Rate
            nc_rate = 0
        # print("NCRate: ", nc_rate)

with the second query using, i got 22 hits, which i doubled checked and confirmed that is the correct amount, but when i used elastic_client.msearch, i somehow gotten only 10 hits
and like those that i am supposed to get more than 10 hits, resulted in maximum of 10 hits

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For the search request you specify a size greater than 10. As this is not specified for the msearch you get the default 10 results.

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thanks for the assistance!

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