Is there a way to set analysis for a field?

index mapping

I want to search for the value of productSN.
Using the default analysis configuration, it seems that the result cannot be found.




Fields also have this format

"body": {
  "original": "{\"List\":[{\"NickName\":\"改变自己13998076912\",\"OpenId\":\"ocYHs4tDe2-fQvyUsVCUV9DLGok4\",\"UnionId\":\"oUNcX1nUekRgyTAG2DPjt2F0h_nQ\",\"Platform\":\"MpMall\",\"Sex\":2,\"Country\":\"中国\",\"Province\":\"辽宁\",\"City\":\"鞍山\",\"HeadImgUrl\":\"\",\"ContentType\":null,\"Extension\":\"\",\"ObjectKey\":\"/photo/0/2f8ab46814cb4c8497c4c911a7b5339f\",\"Domain\":\"\",\"Bucket\":\"lonsid\"}]}"

I'll search the OpenId value.

I feel like I need to customize an analysis and I need some suggestions.

I used the pipeline JSON processor to solve the problem

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