Is there an error in this Elastic blog post on common terms?


I was reading the post at Stop Stopping Stop Words: a Look at Common Terms Query | Elastic Blog

In the blog, there's this sentence

The “low frequency” list is rewritten into a Boolean Should clause (logical OR). In this example, it would contain “bonsai”, “cool”

Is the clause in question not a Should but a Must clause (i.e. there's a typo in the post)? That would match with the code reported later in the post:

  "bool": {
    "must": [
      { "term": { "body": "bonsai"}},
      { "term": { "body": "cool"}}
    "should": [
      { "term": { "body": "this"}}
      { "term": { "body": "is"}}

If that's indeed a small mistake I am happy to report it - but I don't know how to.

Pinging @polyfractal as he wrote the original post. :slight_smile:

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