I have an es settings like following:
PUT /test
"mappings": {
"doc": {
"properties": {
"status": {
"type": "keyword"
"counting": {
"type": "integer"
"join": {
"type": "join",
"relations": {
"vsim": ["pool", "package"]
"poolId": {
"type": "keyword"
"packageId": {
"type": "keyword"
"countries": {
"type": "keyword"
"vId": {
"type": "keyword"
Then add data:
// add vsim
PUT /test/doc/doc1
{"counting":6, "join": {"name": "vsim"}, "content": "1", "status": "disabled"}
PUT /test/doc/doc2
{"counting":5,"join": {"name": "vsim"}, "content": "2", "status": "disabled"}
PUT /test/doc/doc3
{"counting":5,"join": {"name": "vsim"}, "content": "2", "status": "enabled"}
// add package
PUT /test/doc/ner2?routing=doc2
{"join": {"name": "package", "parent": "doc2"}, "countries":["CN", "UK"]}
PUT test/doc/ner12?routing=doc1
{"join": {"name": "package", "parent": "doc1"}, "countries":["CN", "US"]}
PUT /test/doc/ner11?routing=doc1
{"join":{"name": "package", "parent": "doc1"}, "countries":["US", "KR"]}
PUT /test/doc/ner13?routing=doc3
{"join":{"name": "package", "parent": "doc3"}, "countries":["UK", "AU"]}
// add pool
PUT /test/doc/ner21?routing=doc1
{"join": {"name": "pool", "parent": "doc1"}, "poolId": "MER"}
PUT /test/doc/ner22?routing=doc2
{"join": {"name": "pool", "parent": "doc2"}, "poolId": "MER"}
PUT /test/doc/ner23?routing=doc2
{"join": {"name": "pool", "parent": "doc2"}, "poolId": "NER"}
and then I want to count the counting group by the status(vsim), poolId(pool) and countries(package), the expect result like:
disabled-MER-CN: 3
disabled-MER-US: 3
enabled-MR-CN: 1
... and so on.
I'm a new player for elasticsearch, and I have learnt the document like
but still have no idea to implement this aggregation query, PLEASE give me some suggestion, thanks!