Is there any way to remove log.syslog.structured_data

I am trying to parse checkpoint and fortinet logs through logstash and get log.syslog.structured_data field in kibana/logscale .Is there any way to remove it ? I know it represents structured data expressed in RFC 5424 messages but I want to exclude that field completely as it's a complete replica of rawstring

Welcome to the community!

If you want to delete the field:
mutate{ remove_field => [ "[log][syslog][structured_data]"] }

If there is nothing important in all "log" nested field/structure, simply delete:
mutate{ remove_field => [ "log"] } # this is an array, can have multiple fields

You can also test on the "event" field.

Thanks for your reply ,I tried doing that but it didn't work .Here is the filter I am applying

filter {

 grok {
      match => {"message" => "%{SYSLOG5424PRI}%{GREEDYDATA:message}" }
      overwrite => [ "message" ]

 mutate {
    remove_field => ["tags", "input", "log", "event", "@timestamp", "agent", "ecs", "@version", "host"]

 kv {
    field_split => " "
    value_split => "="

 mutate {
    remove_field => ["message"]
    rename => { "<(\d+)>date" => "date" }
    add_field => { "logdate" => "%{date} %{time}"}

 date {
    match => ["logdate", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ]
    timezone => "Europe/London"
    target => "@timestamp"

 mutate {
    remove_field => ["logdate", "date", "time"]
    convert => { "rcvdbyte" => "integer"}
    convert => { "sentbyte" => "integer"}
  mutate{ remove_field => [ "[log][syslog][structured_data]"] }

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