Is there anyone know How to monitor the apm-server runtime status etc in kibana

Is there anyone know How to monitor the apm-server runtime status etc in kibana

Hi @lucky-yang,
when running APM Server on-prem you can enable monitoring by setting monitoring.enabled: true in the apm-server.yml. In case you have an output configured that is not Elasticsearch or want to configure a dedicated Elasticsearch instance for the monitoring data, you can also configure the monitoring.elasticsearch.* section. Once monitoring is enabled you can navigate to Stack Monitoring in Kibana and chose APM.

If you are using a hosted APM Server on Elastic Cloud you simply navigate to Stack Monitoring in Kibana, and click to enable monitoring. Once the change is applied you should be able to see an APM Server tab.

The monitoring page gives an overview about ingested event data and APM Server resource usage.

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