Not really, you'd need to index every comment as a separate document
yourself. Then each hit would be a comment, and for each comment you get
the highlighted snippet as well.
On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 12:48:59 PM UTC+1, joa wrote:
In my mapping I have an array with objects of comments.
Thanks Luca. Considering I am using a parent/child mapping with the
comments as child. Is it possible to get both - parent with embeded
comments and highlighting - with one search request?
I don't think so. At this time with parent-child it's only possible to get
back one of the two, either parent or children. I guess you need two
requests here....
Thanks Luca. Considering I am using a parent/child mapping with the
comments as child. Is it possible to get both - parent with embeded
comments and highlighting - with one search request?
Is a highlight payload technical possible at all? I mean, could it be a
feature request? Or will there be other solutions for problems like this
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