Issue with deserializing MultilineStringGeoShape

Please see the code below.
Results when calling ElasticSearch.
"_source": {
"TEST1": 450304485,
"TEST2": 1612465007053,
"TYPE": "MultiLineString",
"VERSION": "20.2"
// .Net class
public class TestData
public long Test1 { get; set; }
public long Test2 { get; set; }
[GeoShape(Name = "COORDINATES")]
public MultiLineStringGeoShape Geometry { get; set; }

var url = configuration["elasticsearch:url"];
var defaultIndex = configuration["elasticsearch:index"];
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri(url));
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool , sourceSerializer: JsonNetSerializer.Default).DefaultIndex(defaultIndex);

settings.DefaultMappingFor(m => m
.PropertyName(td => td.Type, "TYPE")
.PropertyName(td => td.Coordinates, "COORDINATES"));

        settings.DefaultMappingFor<TestData>(m => m
                                                       .PropertyName(td => td.Test1, "TEST1")
                                                       .PropertyName(td => td.Test2, "TEST2")
                                                       .PropertyName(td => td.Geometry, "GEOMETRY"));
        var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

Results back in .Net after the call

"test1": 450304485,
"test2": 1612465007053,
"geometry": null

I can't the get geometry data deserialized when the results come back successfully. Since this a NEST type should the default deserializer get the geometry data? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..

Figured out the solution from this gist..

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