Issue with radius search?

We're on Elasticsearch 1.3.2.

We can't seem to get a record returned when doing a radial search against a linestring.

Our mapping can be broken down to this:

{ "simpleline":{ "properties": { "geo_linestring": { "type": "geo_shape", "tree": "quadtree", "tree_levels": 26 } } } }

We have a linear path that sort of forms a "U":
{ "geo_linestring": { "type": "linestring", "coordinates": [ [ -96.6906661987305, 47.7989692687988 ], [ -96.7057800292969, 47.2933502197266 ], [ -96.3336181640625, 47.2952117919922 ], [ -96.3226318359375, 47.8358612060547 ] ] } }

The connection between middle two points appear to be within 15-20 miles of the city of Felton. So, if we wanted to find all "trails" within 30 miles of Felton, we want this to appear.

However, filtering on a circle centered at Felton (30 mile radius) does not return the item. Increasing the radius to 40 miles, however, does:

{ "filter": { "geo_shape": { "geo_linestring": { "shape": { "type": "circle", "radius": "30mi", "coordinates": [ -96.5055999755859, 47.0751991271973 ] } } } } }

Are we just misunderstanding how this search works, or is there an issue with how we're approaching this?