JAVA Access denied - ES upgrade to 7.1

Hi all I have this issue when I try to run ES.

ERROR Could not register mbeans access denied (" rustPermission" "register")

ERROR: [1] bootstrap checks failed
[1]: initial heap size [2147483648] not equal to maximum heap size [32178700288]; this can cause resize pauses and prevents mlockall from locking the entire heap.

Having some problem in fixing this issue.

Fixes I found online: Added : permission "register"; to /etc/elasticsearch-master/jdk/conf/security/policy, but it does not help.

Do I need to add the links for the new ES in /var/lib/dpkg/info/elasticsearch.list?

Did you set security?

I think you need to have min and max heap size the same in jvm file.

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This is the issue you need to deal with. Ther other problems are just noise that are very hard for us to hide.

Read here: Heap size check | Elasticsearch Guide [7.1] | Elastic

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