Java driver - Filter queries migration

I need to translate my filter / query syntax (Elasticsearch 1.4) to Elasticsearch 7.x syntax. For FilterBuilders.andFilter I found that I should use boolquery() with filter clause and it works. But what about FilterBuilders.orFilter?

FilterBuilders.boolFilter().must(nestedFilters) translated to QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(nestedQueries)

FilterBuilders.andFilter(nestedFilters)) translated to QueryBuilders.boolQuery().filter(nestedQueries)

FilterBuilders.boolFilter().should(nestedFilters) translated to QueryBuilders.boolQuery().should(nestedQueries)

FilterBuilders.orFilter(nestedFilters) translated to ?


The trick is to have a bool query, that does not contain anything in the must, must_not and filter parts, but only in the should clause. In that case this is considered an or... like this

DELETE test 

PUT test/_doc/1
  "brand" : "Nike"

PUT test/_doc/2
  "brand" : "Puma"

GET test/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "filter": [
          "bool": {
            "should" : [
              { "term" : {"brand.keyword":"Nike"}},
              { "term" : {"brand.keyword":"Puma"}}

Thanks Alexander. My understanding is that the following clause will be scored by ES since should is executed in query context. Is this true?

"bool": {
            "should" : [
              { "term" : {"brand.keyword":"Nike"}},
              { "term" : {"brand.keyword":"Puma"}}

Just run the above and check the scores... it's within the filter context already (that's why there are two bool queries).

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