So I have a java log that I want to consume using filebeat. When I test in the local env I succeed, but when I try to use the production env the log is not successfully parsed. Because in the local env I use logstash but in the production env I use filebeat.
Here is an example of the log
[9/6/24 10:10:57:038 WIB] 00055cd2 SystemOut O 2024-09-06 10:10:57 HTransaction [ERROR] com.m24.shared.exception.UnsafeSessionCloseException: This not Valid Transaction
com.m24.shared.exception.UnsafeSessionCloseException: This not Valid Transaction
at com.m24.shared.plugin.db.hibernate.HTransaction.released(
at com.m24.shared.plugin.db.hibernate.HSession.close(
at com.m24.front.ui.channeling.BayarAngsuranSyariahScreen.doPayment(
at com.m24.front.ui.channeling.BayarAngsuranSyariahScreen.doSave(
at com.m24.front.ui.channeling.BayarAngsuranSyariahScreen$6$1.onClose(
at org.vaadin.dialogs.DefaultConfirmDialogFactory$2.buttonClick(
Logs that are successfully parsed to alstic are only
[9/6/24 10:10:57:038 WIB] 00055cd2 SystemOut O 2024-09-06 10:10:57 HTransaction [ERROR] com.m24.shared.exception.UnsafeSessionCloseException: This not Valid Transaction
com.m24.shared.exception.UnsafeSessionCloseException: This not Valid Transaction
When message have tag the java message is not include.
at org.vaadin.dialogs.DefaultConfirmDialogFactory$2.buttonClick(
This configuration Logstash and Filebeat:
My Logstash in Local Env:
type: filestream
id: Convert
enabled: true
- Convertnode1*/SystemOut.log
- Convertnode2*/SystemErr.log
application_name: convert
serverName: convert-currency
fields_under_root: true
multiline.pattern: '^/'
multiline.negate: true
multiline.match: after
file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/dump_hasil/*.log"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{6}+\d{3}"
negate => true
what => "previous"
Please help