JAVA Retrieve multimatch searchterm

Elasticsearch version: 7.3.0

Fresh install or upgraded from other version? Fresh

Java Library: HighLevel

I am trying to retrieve the original searchterm inside a complex query which is wrapped inside a MultiSearchRequest using the Java High Level Rest Client. See the following where Pain is the searchterm:

    'query': {
        'bool': {
            'should': [{
                    'term': {
                        'preflabel_sab_lat': {
                            'value': True,
                            'boost': 10
            'filter': [{
                    'terms': {
                        'sab': ['SNOMEDCT_US']
            'minimum_should_match': 0,
            'must': [{
                    'function_score': {
                        'boost_mode': 'multiply',
                        'functions': [{
                                'script_score': {
                                    'script': {
                                        'source': "3e-6*doc['rank'].value*doc['rank'].value"
                        'query': {
                            'multi_match': {
                                'type': 'most_fields',
                                'query': 'Pain',
                                'fuzziness': 'auto',
                                'fields': ['label', 'label.raw^5', '', 'label.3gram^0.1']

In the end a MultiSearchResponse is returned and from this object I can only get the individual SearchResponses and the results contained within these responses, but not the searchterms related to the multimatch that formed the individual searchRequest.

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