Good day,
I have the following log entry in my jboss application
2014-10-23 11:03:38,254 INFO
[com.xxxxxxxxxx.cpg.webservice.cellc.xxxxxxxxx] (Thread-34766
[RESPONSE]-[WSC]-[VendorID=2, TrxId=xxxxxxxx, StanId=xxxxxx]\n
[com.xxxxxx.cpg.webservice.cellc.xxxxx] (Thread-34766
[RESPONSE]-[WSC]-[xxxxxx=2, TrxId=xxxxxx, StanId=xxxxxx]
I make use of lumberjack to pass the logs to the central server
My grok config breaks up the file as needed
Here is the grok layout
filter {
if [type] == "jboss" {*
grok {*
match => [message, "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{WORD:loglevel}
%{GREEDYDATA:message}"]* -
multiline {*
pattern => "^\D|^$|^\n"*
what => "previous"*
date {*
# 2013-09-23T11:27:14.177+0200*
match => [*
"timestamp", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss","MMM d HH:mm:ss","MMM dd yyyy
HH:mm:ss","MMM d yyyy HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"*
target => "@timestamp"*
add_field => { "debug" => "timestampMatched"}*
Here is the logstash output
"message" => "2014-10-23 11:56:08,515 INFO
[] (Thread-34876
(group:HornetQ-client-global-threads-1976177639)) ECHO RESULT : SUCCESS\n
[] (Thread-34876
(group:HornetQ-client-global-threads-1976177639)) ECHO RESULT : SUCCESS",*
"@version" => "1",*
- "@timestamp" => "2014-10-23T09:56:15.140Z",*
"type" => "jboss",*
"file" =>
"host" => "",*
"offset" => "114131317",*
"timestamp" => "2014-10-23 11:56:08,515",*
The problem i have is the timestamp
I created a timestamp field and mapped the value
but when i try and graph on the timestamp in kibana, i get the following
cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexNumericFieldData]
is there a way to map the timestamp to @timestamp or make the timestamp
field i specified able to be seen in the graph ?
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