JDBC Driver From Maven

I have tried following the directions provided in the documentation and yet still can't seem to get the MVN dependency for the new JDBC jar to work. AM I potentially missing something?


Did you add artifacts.elastic.co/maven to your repositories list?

Also, just as an FYI, you can get the jar from a regular/non-maven download at https://www.elastic.co/downloads/jdbc-client

Yes. I added the repo:

		<name>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</name>
        <name>Elastic Repository</name>


Yes I know I can get them from the site which is fine for some local testing but obviously I don't want to check in jars or have others have to get dependencies when checking out my code

I believe the group and artifact id are wrong. They should be:


@gboro54 there's a documentation issue here that we need to fix. Thanks for raising it!

is 6.3.0 still the version number? With the below Im still getting an inability to resolve:

        <name>Elastic Repository</name>


Hi @gboro54,

Sorry for your troubles.
The answer above is correct but the upcoming versions (6.4 and higher).
For 6.3 please use:


while from 6.4 and higher (when they will be released), change only the artifactId:


Sorry for the confusion.
The JDBC jar in 6.4 has been significantly reduced in size and that's why it will have a different name when it will be released.

Hope this helps,

Do you have a working POM for 6.3 I can see? I tried using the first one in your example with the repo set and Im still getting the unresolved dependency. I want to make sure that Im not missing something else in my POM or if its proxy on my network

Hi @gboro54,
I just tested this with the following pom:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">

			<name>Elastic Repository</name>

Side-note: I tested this in Eclipse and, at first, I didn't have set the repository and a warning was present in the Error log. That warning persisted there even after I added the correct repository. These being said, the Dependency Tree in Eclipse was showing the correct list of dependencies for the jdbc jar though. I cleared the Error log, rebuild the project and the warning was gone.

How does this issue manifest itself in your case? Is the jdbc jar actually downloaded?

Thanks. I actually meant to update the thread but the problem was with my maven settings using an internal nexus repo to try and resolve the dependency.

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