Hi everyone,
i have a pretty complicated problem to solve:
I would like enrich my datastream that I recieve from applications with metadata. I need this later to create on joined fields user restrictions and so on.
Every customer needs his own index. Problem is that in my original data I have to join customer names on the hostname, based on a lookup to then forward the data to different indices.
I had a look at the Jdbc_streaming filter which seems to be the right choice.
But I cannot find any condition parameter on my values.
My goal is to join on a hostname values like "customer", "location" [...].
Therefore I need a condition to say if hostname is server1.domain add location:berlin and customer:elastic.
Pipeline could be like
host => 123.xy
port => 8080
#here I have no idea what to do
#DB connection
#Then how to join on a field
ssl =>enabled
user => "myuser"
passwordd => "mysupersecretpassword123!"
I have a lot of servers, so i do not want to write for every server a condition.
In case the JDBC connection is not the right choice for this use case, i could switch to a csv file an try it with this.
Has anyone in the community made experience with something like this?
Thank you all